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It’s been a minute since release of our debut ‘Sub:Song’! In that time we’ve been on a journey of writing and developing material for follow up Album 2. We have some big, bold and beautiful ideas on where we want to take that! From the early writing sessions last year, came a collection of songs that blended well as a stand alone body of work, something that bridges the gap, with hints of where we can go next. Tracks that are a reflection of a point in our lives, tackling careers, identity, family and observing broken relationships around us. Songs that mix introspection with optimism.

This is RED EP.



With a bank of incredible tracks all written for Albums 2, we now retire to the studio once more to go deeper and create something truly special. See you on the other side x 

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Written largely in lockdown, Sub:Song is an album of reflection, on life, on death, on relationships, but also on new beginnings. It's about taking bold steps in to the unknown, about pushing past your own boundaries.


Swirling throughout the album is a central theme of birdsong. Many of the initial scratch demo ideas were recorded in the garden during lockdown. These all captured an essence of birdsong, something that seemed much more present during those times, as the noise of busy life slowed down for a period. That birdsong struck a chord. As Spring lands, newborn birds begin their own journey of Subsong. The act of making sound, trial and error, until they discover their voice. It's not measured, not polished, it's pure freedom to just let go and experiment. Freedom to make mistakes, freedom of having nothing to prove to anyone but yourself.


And with that notion came the blueprint of our debut album. After years spent focused on  'life', we set out to re-learn our craft, to be bold, to be confident to push boundaries and create something that we would be truly proud of. Working in close collaboration with Steve Christie, we wanted to create an 'Album' in the old school sense, a body of work that knits together rather than a compilation of singles


The album artwork comes from the hugely talented Mike Collier (in collaboration with Eyelevel Creative).  The original artwork captures the constellation encircled within a sonogram recording of Nightjars. It is with huge gratitude and humility that we accepted his offer of using this piece as our cover artwork. The themes of birdsong, making sense of the enormity of life and circle each of us inevitably cross through.


This album has been a real journey, a pleasure to make from start to finish.

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