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Updated: Jul 25, 2022

Realising the theme of the album

Many of the initial sketch ideas were written in the heart of lockdown. Recorded in the garden, they always seemed to capture this amazing birdsong, weaving though the track. As we bounced the sketches between each other, this birdsong always just felt integral to some of those tracks, especially the initial sketch idea of Garden Dance. Problem we had was trying to capture a better, dedicated recording of Birdsong, one that worked as well as these rough, unintentional recordings.

Last night at the studio, as the evening rolled in, we all heard a beautiful bird singing just outside the window. The sound drifted over the song and clicked, almost as if it was already part of the track. We dropped everything - grabbed a studio mic, wired it up, all rush outside to capture it in full song… back to the desk hit record and... the little bugger flies away! Clearly a touch of stage fright! Well, it had its chance to take a lead role on the album and blew it!

Good news - next weekend is International Dawn Chorus Week. Aiming to set alarm for 5am to get up and record at home.

**Update on above**

Sat by the woods at the bottom of Matt's garden, coffee in hand, surrounded by birds belting it out! What an amazing way to start the day! Think it's come out pretty well on the mic so we may well have our bird song!

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